India Covid-19 Vaccine Market - Forecast(2025 - 2031)
1. COVID-19 Vaccine Production
1.1. COVID-19 Vaccine Production in India (Million Doses) 2021
1.2. COVID-19 Vaccine Production Growth Rate (%) in India (Million Doses) 2021
1.3. COVID-19 Vaccine Monthly Production in India (Million Doses) 2021
1.4. COVID-19 Vaccine Monthly Production Growth Rate (%) in India 2021
1.5. COVID-19 Vaccine Production by Manufacturers (Million Doses) 2021
2. COVID-19 Vaccine Price Per Dose (US$) in India 2021
3. COVID-19 Vaccine Composition
4. COVID-19 Vaccination
4.1. COVID-19 Vaccine Approvals in India 2020-2022
4.2. COVID-19 Vaccine by Type in India 2021-2022
4.3. COVID-19 Vaccination by Gender in India 2021-2022
4.4. COVID-19 Vaccination by Age Group
4.4.1. COVID-19 Vaccination by Age Group in India 2021-2022
4.4.2. COVID-19 At Least One Dose Vaccination in India 2021-2022
4.4.3. COVID-19 Fully Vaccinated Doses in India 2021-2022
4.4.4. Percentage of COVID-19 Vaccination-Single Dose/Fully Vaccination in India 2021-2022
4.4.5. COVID-19 Booster Dose Count in India 2021-2022
4.5. COVID-19 Vaccination by First Week of Every Month.
4.5.1. COVID-19 Vaccination by Monthly First Week in India 2021-2022
4.5.2. COVID-19 Vaccination by Age Wise by Monthly First Week 2021-2022
4.5.3. COVID-19 Cumulative Vaccination by Monthly First Week in India 2021-2022
4.5.4. COVID-19 Cumulative Vaccination by Age Wise by Monthly First Week 2021-2022
4.6. COVID-19 Vaccination by State Wise
4.6.1. Major 10 States Completed COVID-19 1st Dose of Vaccination in No. of Doses
4.6.2. Major 10 States Completed COVID-19 Fully Vaccination in No. of Doses
4.6.3. Major 10 States Completed COVID-19 Booster Dose of Vaccination in No. of Doses
4.6.4. Major 10 States Completed COVID-19 1st Dose of Vaccination in Percentage (%)
4.6.5. Major 10 States Completed COVID-19 Fully Vaccination in Percentage (%)
4.6.6. Major 10 States Completed COVID-19 Booster Dose of Vaccination in Percentage (%)
4.6.7. COVID-19 Vaccination Completed by State Wise in Percentage
5. Exported COVID-19 Vaccines Count From 2020-2022
5.1. Major Recipients of India COVID-19 Vaccine Donation Deliveries by Total Doses Received
6. Total Number of COVID-19 Cases in India
6.1. Total Number of COVID-19 Reported Cases in India
6.1.1. COVID-19 Reported Cases in India 2020
6.1.2. COVID-19 Reported Cases Growth Rate (%) in India 2020
6.1.3. COVID-19 Cumulative Reported Cases in India 2020
6.1.4. COVID-19 Cumulative Reported Cases Growth Rate (%) in India 2020
6.1.5. COVID-19 Reported Cases in India 2021-2022
6.1.6. COVID-19 Reported Cases Growth Rate (%) in India 2021-2022
6.1.7. COVID-19 Cumulative Reported Cases in India 2021-2022
6.1.8. COVID-19 Cumulative Reported Cases Growth Rate (%) in India 2021-2022
6.2. Total Number of COVID-19 Confirmed Cases in India
6.2.1. COVID-19 Confirmed Cases in India 2020
6.2.2. COVID-19 Confirmed Cases Growth Rate (%) in India 2020
6.2.3. COVID-19 Cumulative Confirmed Cases in India 2020
6.2.4. COVID-19 Cumulative Confirmed Cases Growth Rate (%) in India 2020
6.2.5. COVID-19 Confirmed Cases in India 2021-2022
6.2.6. COVID-19 Confirmed Cases Growth Rate (%) in India 2021-2022
6.2.7. COVID-19 Cumulative Confirmed Cases in India 2021-2022
6.2.8. COVID-19 Cumulative Confirmed Cases Growth Rate (%) in India 2021-2022
6.3. Total Number of COVID-19 Recovered Cases in India
6.3.1. COVID-19 Recovered Cases in India 2020
6.3.2. COVID-19 Recovered Cases Growth Rate (%) in India 2020
6.3.3. COVID-19 Cumulative Recovered Cases in India 2020
6.3.4. COVID-19 Cumulative Recovered Cases Growth Rate (%) in India 2020
6.3.5. COVID-19 Recovered Cases in India 2021-2022
6.3.6. COVID-19 Recovered Cases Growth Rate (%) in India 2021-2022
6.3.7. COVID-19 Cumulative Recovered Cases in India 2021-2022
6.3.8. COVID-19 Cumulative Recovered Cases Growth Rate (%) in India 2021-2022
7. COVID-19 Prevalence of Disease
7.1. COVID-19 Cases Prevalence Rate (%) in India 2020
7.2. COVID-19 Cases Prevalence Rate (%) in India 2021-2022
7.3. COVID-19 Cases Cumulative Prevalence Rate (%) in India 2020
7.4. COVID-19 Cases Cumulative Prevalence Rate (%) in India 2021-2022
8. COVID-19 Testing Kits
8.1. ICMR Approved COVID-19 Test Kits
9. COVID-19 Comorbidity Rate
9.1. Prevalence (%) of Comorbidities in Patients With COVID-19 in India 2020
10. COVID-19 Mortality Rate by Age Group
10.1. COVID-19 Mortality Rate by Age (Per Million Population) in India-2020
10.2. COVID-19 Mortality Rate (Per Million Population) in India-2020
10.3. COVID-19 Reported Deaths in India 2020
10.4. COVID-19 Death Cases Growth Rate (%) in India 2020
10.5. COVID-19 Cumulative Reported Deaths in India 2020
10.6. COVID-19 Cumulative Death Cases Growth Rate (%) in India 2020
10.7. COVID-19 Reported Deaths in India (2021-2022)
10.8. COVID-19 Death Cases Growth Rate (%) in India 2021-2022
10.9. COVID-19 Cumulative Reported Deaths in India (2021-2022)
10.10. COVID-19 Cumulative Death Cases Growth Rate (%) in India 2021-2022
10.11. COVID-19 Reported Cases and Death Cases 2020
10.12. COVID-19 Reported Cases and Death Cases (2021-2022)
10.13. COVID-19 Cumulative Reported Cases and Death Cases 2020
10.14. COVID-19 Cumulative Reported Cases and Death Cases (2021-2022)
11. COVID-19 Fatality Rate
11.1. COVID-19 Fatality Rate in Percentage (%) in India 2020
11.2. COVID-19 Cumulative Fatality Rate in Percentage (%) in India 2020
11.3. COVID-19 Fatality Rate in Percentage (%) in India 2021-2022
11.4. COVID-19 Fatality Rate in Percentage (%) in India 2021-2022
12. GDP Contribution of COVID-19 Vaccines
12.1. COVID -19 Impact on GDP Growth Rate (%) in Percentage in Indian Economy
12.2. COVID -19 Impact on GDP Growth Rate in Various Sectors in India
12.3. COVID -19 Impact on Decrease in Magnitude of Production in Agriculture & Allied Sector (%)
12.4. COVID -19 Impact on Decrease in Magnitude of Farm-gate Prices of Commodities in Agriculture & Allied Sector (%)
12.5. COVID -19 Impact on Magnitude of Decrease in the Availability of Agriculture-Inputs (%)
12.6. COVID -19 Impact on Increase in Magnitude of Prices of Agriculture-Inputs (%)
13. Clinical Trial Data of COVID -19
13.1. No. of Clinical Trials of COVID-19 in India (2019-2022)
13.2. No. of Clinical Trials of COVID-19 in India in Phases (2019-2022)
13.3. Percentage of Clinical Trials of COVID-19 in India by Age (2019-2022)
13.4. Percentage of Clinical Trials of COVID-19 in India by Gender (2019-2022)
13.5. No. of Clinical Trials of COVID-19 in India by Funding Type (2019-2022)
13.6. No. of Clinical Trials of COVID-19 in India by Status (2019-2022)
13.7. No. of Clinical Trials of COVID-19 in India by Study Type (2019-2022)
13.8. No. of Clinical Trials of COVID-19 in India by Study Documents (2019-2022)
13.9. COVID-19 Vaccines in Trial Stage in India
14. University Studies
14.1. Type of Funding in University Level Studies in India
14.2. Major 10 Institution Name by Document Type in India 2020
14.3. Major 10 Institution Name by Document Type in India 2021
14.4. Major 5 Fields of Study Covered by The Most Active Institutions in India 2020
14.5. Major 5 Fields of Study Covered by The Most Active Institutions in India 2021
14.6. Major 10 Publishers in India 2020
14.7. Major 10 Publishers in India 2021
15. COVID-19 Overall Report in India 2020-2022
15.1. COVID-19 Overall Report in India 2020
15.2. COVID-19 Overall Report in India 2021
15.3. COVID-19 Overall Report in India (Jan-2022)